Walking down the Aisle in Uganda

Unlike just a few years ago when the groom had to serve the bride with wine and cake,
matters have changed a little bit.
My camera just got the bride at much liberty
holding the glass to herself, and so did the groom.

Not everything has changed however.
The old customs of pictures in the gardens still hold strong,
and in my country such photographs are treasured for many years.
A wedding as a whole is a most treasured function in most homes in Africa.
Parents of both bride and groom feel honoured when
the function of their children out shines that of other families around them.
Consequently, alot of money is invested and most partners will go to to any length,
including acquiring loans in order to perfect their wedding.
Others do not engage in excesses and will remain real.
One will spot the groom and bride proudly sitting on bycycles
and others will move in a convoy of pick-ups, with the wedded standing at the back,
while they wave to on-lookers.
After the wedding has been perfected, it is always smiles all the way to the honeymoon.
A honeymoon however, is not the in-thing in most of African countries.
After spending lots of money inthe wedding, the last thing on people's mind is the honeymoon.
Of course the rich are at liberty to do whatever they wish.
But for the majority, it is back to work.


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